Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Adventures of Rajah (and notes on an up-and-coming artist of my acquaintance)

Meet Rajah, a well-loved friend (so well-loved that the outer layers of his nose have rubbed off):

He's an important part of everyday life for a certain young friend of my acquaintance. In fact, this certain young friend INSISTS that Rajah MUST be present for proper bed time protocol to be followed. Unfortunately Rajah is almost invariably missing when it's time for bed. He has an almost uncanny ability to be present minutes before bed (eg during bed time story reading) but then suddenly disappear when the actual moment of getting into bed arrives. It's quite a talent!! (Perhaps he takes after his namesake - a tiger from a Disney film).

Usually a house- wide search for the missing "tiger" ensues involving my young friend, his siblings and any hapless adults who happen to be present. Rajah is usually eventually found but sometimes in the oddest places:
Sneaking in from a quick trip outside:
Tigers love warm laundry
Hiding out underneath the couch cushions (a frequent spot):

Hanging out with a bunch of other toys

Attempting a 60's revival

Rajah has famous friends!!
He's very tricky, sometimes he hides in the bed, where he's supposed to be all along!
Sometimes he's actually been tiger-napped
And sometimes he just wants a bedtime snack
But after all is said and done, Rajah usually finds his way back where he's supposed to be and he and my young friend (FINALLY) get to bed as happy as ever.

Notes on an Up-and-Coming Artist:
Actually, Enoch took most of the photos you see above. I told him what I wanted to do because we'd had so many Rajah sagas when I was living with them that I felt it deserved a blog entry. Enoch loved the idea and wanted to use my camera. We discovered that he actually has quite a talent for it. He took a bunch more but here are 5 of my favorites - fabulous for a 4-year old!!

I call this first one: "Still life in shades of blue"
Next: "Sunday Feet":

I actually stuck this one in because I rarely like photos of myself and I liked this one
Next: "Surprised sisters"
Finally: "Portrait of the artist as a young boy"
Kind of fun eh?

1 comment:

byufish said...

Okay...that was GREAT!! It's amazing what these kids can do nowadays...and how much we let that we don't have to pay for film developing! Glad you're online again!