Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rwanda introduction...for mom especially

Greetings from the land of a thousand hills! Many of you know that I'm here in Rwanda doing a public health internship for a few weeks. I'm here helping with a monitoring and evaluation project of a program that uses Community Health Workers (translation: lay health workers or those who have received only very limited health care training) for implementing a series of protocols to treat children (less than 5 years) for the most common childhood illness - and the ones that kill the vast majority of children worldwide. I'll leave it at that for now as I'll likely be talking a whole lot more about it later.
I flew into Kigali on Saturday evening and I just want to assure my mother (and father) that all is well. Really, I have this really nice apartment and things are fabulous. Here are some pictures to show you...

My bedroom with fabulous sleek fuschia bedspread

Bathroom - no hot water but it's always quite temperate so no problem

Living area - I haven't actually tried the TV, although I'm fairly certain the only thing on right now is World Cup games and World Cup related broadcast

Kitchen (the fridge is almost, but not quite as small as our fridge in Boston Cami)

The Laundry room

And this is my favourite part!! Looking out from my room this is what I see!!

View from the balcony - looking out over the valley towards the main centre of the city (Rwanda is basically hills and hills)

I've been up north over the last three days helping out at the training meeting for the people who are actually doing the survey for the evaluation - more next time!!


Unknown said...

Great pictures, Joanne. So exciting to see that you're overseas again - could you drop me a line and let me know what your plans are after you're finished your internship there? Hope all is well - take care, talk soon!

John Salmon said...

Wow. A second post AND still in the first half of the year!

You must have a lot of time now that you are graduated! ;)

Thanks for the pictures Jo (and be careful around the hotels...)