Thursday, November 22, 2007

Moving is tiresome

Moving is indeed tiresome! I'm currently trying to move everything in my little apartment, which doesn't seem so little at the moment, to the upper level of a house. My apartment is currently a complete disaster.

I'm moving in with a friend and she agrees that the new place is way nicer than where I am now. I, personally, will be very happy to not be living behind a pub anymore (the starving student lifestyle is getting a little less than endearing after 12 years of post-secondary education). It's just going to be very tricky as I am supposed to be in Montreal at a conference the same day that I'm supposed to be moving, hmmmm. Will keep you posted.


kjerstina said...

Good luck, Jo! Wish we could help! We love moving....other people.

Calloways said...

Jo! I don't check your blog too often but I noticed John had moved you up to "people that have blogged recently: I enjoyed this post and your last! ID sounds like a very interesting specialty. Good luck with the move. You should plan a trip to GA to see all your family here!! :)

BYU Fish said...

Hey, know what moving is all about. I still have boxes in places I don't want to even look at! How are you doing's been almost two months right? Me, it's been almost four but I'm not settled yet. You need to come down for a visit sometime! Love ya tons.