December - a very cold month in Edmonton (aka "the Frozen North", "Outer Darkness", "why do I live here") and a very cold month to move but Dana, my new roommate, and I managed it and are now established in our new house. It's lots of fun and old and drafty but there are little apples on the wallpaper in the kitchen - cool. AND it has a washer and dryer and a dishwasher HURRAY - I'm moving up in the world.
I also got to take a weekend trip to Montreal for a vaccine course. I had only about 3 hours off the whole time I was there and walked around for a little while - unfortunately it was -20 degrees celsius (-4 degree farenheit for you American luddites) and so I had to curtail my adventures somewhat and go back to study more about vaccines.
A cold view of Montreal
Yep, didn't see much of Montreal this trip - this summer I'm going back
Holiday party for work - these are the other Infectious Diseases Residents I work with
I had arranged to work over Christmas as I wanted to be home over New Year's for the big Salmon She-bang so didn't really do much for Christmas (aside from see patients in the ICU - actually it wasn't that bad). I did spend Christmas Eve with one friend and then had Christmas Dinner with some other friends the next day.
Most exciting was when I got to go home to Calgary to see everyone. I was the last of my siblings to arrive home for my 5 days of mandatory leave and I was super excited to see them and all their kids. It was great to be with all of them and the amounts of gifts exchanged were ludicrous really. So many birthdays and Christmas made for a gift marathon.
All the gift openings etc. gave great photo ops to the paparazzi
A bunch of my absolute favorite people
New Year's Eve wasn't my favorite holiday ever this year, I won't elaborate but let's just say that my theory of obsessive compulsive handwashing being adequate infection control around numerous barfy toddlers was shot to bits. I recovered in perfect time to go back to work. (Fortunately I only had to work 2 days because then I got to go on vacation HURRAY!!)
January: My friend Nancy and I went on a Florida vacation - it's kind of non-original but hey, it was warm and we had a good time!! The first week was actually spent on a cruise and then the second week on a road trip - down to the Florida Keys and then up to the Fort Lauderdale area. Some highlights:
"kissing" the Rays in Grand Caymen (apparently it's good luck!?!)
Ahh, the cruise lifestyle - Joanne style
Honduras - (I fell in love with this monkey, despite knowing how many weird viruses I could catch from it)
Nancy's new Honduran friend
Mayan ruins of Tulum in the Yucatan
The real reason the Mayans built in the Yucatan Peninsula
Waiting for the bus in Belize
Part of the old road through the Florida Keys - has anyone seen that rather terrible Schwartzenegger movie "True Lies"? - filmed close to here (keep in mind though, that the new road, from which this picture is taken, doesn't have large gaps in it)
YAY, back in Madagascar for a moment - ringtailed lemurs at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida
Whew, what a trip!!
The beginning of the studying. I did get to go to Vancouver for the annual Canadian Infectious Diseases Conference. It was lovely to get away from the cold for a little while and I presented a short paper on an odd parasite infection I'd seen in clinic. (Mansonella ozzardi for anyone interested)
Here's a picture of Alanoud and me going for a walk in Stanley Park (Alanoud is the other Infectious Diseases fellow in my year - her native language is Arabic and she's currently trying to teach's not really going that well to be honest). Alanoud is quite petite and I am very tall so we sort of look a bit like a circus act unfortunately.
Studying (written portion of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Exam)
Studying (oral portion of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Exam)
I am not joking, that's quite honestly all I did, except for when I was working.
I took a little trip to Ottawa to take the oral portion of my exam on May 9th. When I came out of it I was almost positive that I'd failed it - I felt like I completely bailed on one of the stations but I think in the end I did OK (despite saying HYPERreflexic when I meant HYPOreflexic and forgetting the name of the drug treatment of SIADH and a million other little things). In any case, they passed me so I'm now, after 9 years, finally able to practice medicine in Canada without supervision. I'm going to take the U.S. Board exam in August as well so we'll see how that goes.
Flowers to celebrate passing the exam - from the people in my division of ID - at least someone buys me flowers!!
Flowers to celebrate passing the exam - from the people in my division of ID - at least someone buys me flowers!!
Since then I've been trying to catch up with everything I've let slide (eg this blog) and connecting with a few friends. I planted the garden this weekend for my funny little house and I'll probably update on the blog. I have no cute children or pets to post pictures of on my blog so it'll have to be my tomato plants I guess.
Joanne, I can't remember how it was I came across your blog - but I just wanted to drop you a note and say how fun it is to read about your life!! Glad to hear you're solving the problems of the world and seeing much of it! :0) I think you are great! (even though you do seem a little obsessive about the whole infectious diseases thing lol)
I really enjoy this refreshing update on your musings. The best part of your blog is the last photo, if it weren't for the flowers I would not know where you are located in the picture. With ninja like stealth you blend into the wallpaper. What fruit is on your blouse?
hey this is great so see what you have been up too as you have not make it home for 6 months. Glad to see your alive still. WE miss you a lot and look forward to June when you are here. Love momoxoxo
Well the wait was worth it. Glad to see and hear everything is going well, or as well as can be when one studies night and day. Cheers.
Hi Joanne,
It was great to hear about your last 6 months. Congratulations on passing your exams. Sounded gruelling. Your vacation looked so fun - you probably really needed a change of scenery. Good luck with the exam in August. Hopefully we can visit sometime. You know you are welcome at all times.
Yay for Joanne!
We know you will pass your US boards and decide to practice in Atlanta.
Come and visit and deliver our baby!
Wow...LOVED the update! I'm glad you've been able to take a couple of holidays. Sounds like your life is busy...and you're happy. That, of course, is the most important thing. Good luck with that U.S. exam! Ditto to Diane's comment. Come and visit!
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